Friday, June 5, 2009

Day 1 update, and 2nd Day Pre-Concert post.

Greetings from Powder Springs, Georgia. Day 2

We arrived in Atlanta safely, even though there were a few delays... such as a ground stop in Atlanta. (due to weather)
After obtaining every ones luggage and concert supplies, we eagerly set off to meet our bus driver. (Mr. James)
We then proceeded to pack up the bus in record time, and headed off to the CNN building for lunch. In case you were wondering what on earth we would eat at a news building, I will try to explain what that building is. It is very similar to a mall food court, but all the "malls" stores are only sold CNN items. There were many different food options, Chick-fil-a seemed to be the most popular... the building also housed a Moes, Taco Bell, Arby's, and a few nice sit down restaurants.
After the entire choir was fed, we headed down to the World of Coke.
The tour of the World of Coke was very interesting, it had a semi-creepy video we all watched, a testing facility, and a Coke store.
Later in the afternoon we all left the World of Coke with our complimentary bottled Cokes and headed for Christ Church.
After practicing for a few hours and setting up the stage and sound equipment, we headed across the street for the dinner that was prepared for us.
We quickly ate, and hurried back across the street to the church. We all changed and prepared ourselves for our first tour Concert.

It went quite well, the audience was very thankful and encouraging.
The choir then packed up and went off to our host homes.
In the morning, we came back to the church at 8'o clock and then held our morning worship and devotions. The devotions were very open and the entire choir really participated.

Six Flags.
After devotions, we left Chist Church and headed for the theme park.
With excited teens and anxious chaperones (some to ride, some to leave) we entered the park and quickly went about our merry ways.

At 3'o clock we left six flags and headed we First United Methodist Church, where I'm writing this now on the computer in their sound booth.

I'm sorry if this update seems short and blunt, but I need to warm up and get ready for the Concert.

(I will attempts to post some pictures as soon as possible.)

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